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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 31-10-2015 07:41)
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Post Posted: 05-08-2015, 09:41:41 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Zum but i play on Pasiune

Class : Monk but i prefer Shaman

Main spec / Off spec : Mistweaver / Enhancement

Link to your Armory profile : and and look i got an even better one

Raid UI screenshot : <--- This

Computer spec : Do i look on the box in wich was bought in order to find this out ?

Your alts : ook get ready > Prajiturele / Iubire / Ohh / Siny / Capsunik / Dy / Yuke / Desire / Floricele ... i think theres more but cant remember -

Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : Well i dont usually reveal my tricks but ill make an exception now .. i start with 3 cups of flower > carefully adding 5-6 eggs depends on how fluffy i want to make them > and in the same time depeding on the global cooldown of my hands i pour milk while i start mixing them and and some salt > and after 3-5 minutes i can kill everything with my delicious pancakes <3 xO xO

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? ( you forgot to add " : " after this question so i did it for you, see im allready helpfull ) : YES ofc i allways do this, i love spending my free time watching videos with bosses on YouTube, having an 95 % chance to not work here as they work there or they will not be added. Who doesnt do this ? Surprise

Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? ( dots again ":"<-- helpfull ) : Well this is a question for wich a story needs to be told in order to understand it, so here it goes.
Once upon a time there was a little panda wich got a little bored beeing on the good side so she wanted to explore the horde side also, hearing about all the fascinating stuffs like Drodux wich are happening there, so she decided to clone hersellf one day. After a very very long walk to get away from her starting zone where she has no mailbox to get hierlooms, woke up in the front of mighty Orgrimmar, with lots of orcs, fires, and frightening peoples -. For a moment she got scared and thought this exploration journey wasnt a right decision, but then she told to hersellf: "-Oh hey wait i know !" and she rememberd about this person Orga wich stays all day long in their Shrine trying to make new alliance friends, and even tho many peoples say his heart was dark and ironmade, she didnt believe it. *- Cant be such a bad person !* she said to hersellf. * - Oh and i also know that guy on Teamspeak, Zzeus, wich has a photo with little kittens.Kittens arent scary Surprise* continued our little panda to think. So she decided to give it a try, becouse you see, she likes to have peoples around. Exploring is a lot easyer and nicer this way.

Previous raiding experience? ( : ) : I raid the kitchen every morning when i wake up, cant mess around beeing hungry -. I also raid the shops to get goodies each day, depending on what new stuffsies they have. So yes, i do have alot of raiding experience, some say i am an expert XO XO.

A few words about you : Brownish, 1.76, fluffy, good looking ( sometimes with a foxy tail ), blue eyes, and the name is Joanna. I like bears, and kitties, rainbows and dreams, comedy movies and the jacket Shockeru is wearing in his photo ( not ), cooking and shopping, running and having someone to talk with all day loooong.

P.S: I think you should have more questions - This was to short QQ.
P.S 2: Maybe you wont accept me becouse you might not want your days to be brighter and colorfull, but i will not cry if this happens, i will be sad and gloomy, but it will be ok after a while and ill get used beeing a lonely panda on the dark side, hunted by poachers and Drodu.
P.S 3: Just joking .. i will cry -.-

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 07-08-2015 04:35)
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Post Posted: 06-08-2015, 00:15:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


Staff message (AlexstraszaAlla):
Avoid monosyllabic posts. And stop posting here since you've been rejected.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 19-11-2019 10:48)
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Post Posted: 07-08-2015, 14:03:25 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Avalons

Class : Warrior

Main spec / Off spec: Arms / Protection

Link to your Armory profile :

Raid UI screenshot :

Computer spec : I5 2410M CPU , GT 540M GPU , 6G RAM

Your alts : Beatriceww ( Shaman ) , Chosentwo ( Monk ), Ghoulmaster (Death Knight)

Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : Mortal strike on cooldown, slam spam while collosus smash debuff is up and high on rage or during burst, overpower on downtime and no colosus smash available, bellow 20% one execute for free overpower buff and colossus smash when above 60 rage for 2-3 executes. For Burst prepot and flask during countdown battle or commanding shout>charge>mortal strike>burst macro>colossus smash>slam>slam>mortal strike and so on.

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use: Fatboss guides from youtube.

Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them: My last guild was Heaven, I felt my place was no longer there and I heard your guild is a very good one from another ex Heaven member which allready joined.
Previous raiding experience: WotLK 3.35 content, Cataclysm DS full at the moment I left server was 4/8 before Ultraxion was introduced, on MoP progress with Heaven MV Full progress on normal and 4/6 heroic, ToES full progress on normal.

A few words about you : Hello, my name is Iustinian, and I enjoy to spend my free time on WoW.

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(since 29-06-2024 18:45)
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Post Posted: 09-08-2015, 16:56:55 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Avalons : Accepted ( Contact an officer ingame for an invite )

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 23-08-2015 16:49)
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Post Posted: 09-08-2015, 19:39:46 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Nokrux
Class : Rogue
Main spec / Off spec : Assasination / Combat
Link to your Armory profile : (Retail rogue, because my freakz rogue isnt 90 yet)
Raid UI screenshot :
Computer spec : GPU :Geforce gtx 980ti ,CPU i5 4690 3,50 ghz 64gb ram
Your alts : ---
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : Maintain 100% uptime on Deadly and Crippling poison, as well as Slice and Dice. Mutilate(until 5 CPs unless Blindside procs)>Rupture(maintain 100% on the target, unless he/she will die within 3 seconds)>Mutilate(until 5 CPs unless Blindside procs)>Envenom(To refresh Slice and Dice with Cut to the Chase passive). Dispatch at 35% or lower. Use CDs on burn phases.
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? I like to use a variety of sources that include: Icyveins, WoWhead, and many different forums across the internet to make sure i understand each fight correctly.
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? This is my first guild on WowFreakz, and have enjoyed my stay very much, i have been greeted and helped my a sample of the population and since then have decided to slow down on retail, and play a private server because i much prefer Mists of Pandaria PVE due to the difficulty, and nostalgia -
Previous raiding experience? 4/13 Mythic HFC, 7/10 Mythic BRF, 2/7 Mythic HM.
A few words about you : I work from home and make my own hours, i attend school 5 days out of 7, but always make time to raid.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 13-08-2018 05:35)
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Post Posted: 13-08-2015, 20:51:53 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Vaexxar
Class : Death Knight
Main spec / Off spec : Blood / Frost
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot :
Computer spec : AMD A8-6500 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics 3.50 GHz 4.00GB RAM, 64-bit Op. System, x64 based processor
Your alts : Alot of them, mainly for professions. Vaelynar for rdf with raid-entry gear; Cherax for pvp only.
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : For tank i open with Outbreak, Dancing rune weapon + Blood Boil to spread diseases, Death and Decay, and alternate between Death strike/ Rune strike/ Heart strike
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? Wowhead, icy-veins, fatboss channel on youtube, elitist jerks.
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? I have no idea what happened, but a silent drama was boiling and all of a sudden people started leaving, swearing, threatening, and all i wanted was to do raids. But apparently ego is more important than the other people in raids, went downfall.
Previous raiding experience? I've been playing since the opening of Ahn' Qiraj on retail. Played on retail until LK. Took a break from Cataclysm while playing on private servers (molten/ freakz). I returned to MoP on retail, and after 3 months came here on Freakz. I tanked all the bosses starting with Kael'Thas up to Will of the Emperor.
A few words about you : 29 yrs old, fan of music psychology and cooking. Trying to find a job in cooking, IRL and in-game fan of raids and professions. Most of the time calm, trying not to yell at people, and unless there's something funny or serious, i don't really jump into chat.

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(since 29-06-2024 18:45)
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    Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 13-08-2015, 21:23:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vaexxar : Accepted ( Contact an officer ingame for an invite ).

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(since 29-06-2024 18:45)
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    Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 15-08-2015, 16:12:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)


We are currently only recruiting capable players with 490 ILevel or higher with at least 4/6 Heroic progress on Mogu'shan Vaults

Make sure to read the requirements and application format on the main page before applying.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 06-05-2016 09:31)
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Post Posted: 16-08-2015, 14:01:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Daraos

Class : Shaman

Main spec / Off spec : Restoration / Elemental

Link to your Armory profile : (in-game it says 496ilvl)

Raid UI screenshot :

Computer spec : Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU 2117U @1.80GHz 2G RAM

Your alts : Mage(Daraoss) & Warrior(hangryforwar) & druid(dotmaniac) (druid is still not geared well) also my alts are not 490+ ilvl but hopefull that wont be a big problem (mainly 475+)

Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : when healing raids i mainly took care of dpsers (AoE healing) as i usually have a pala or priest heal with me so i always use my healing rain (wowhead link) & chain heal (wowhead link) if there is a need to heal multiple targets or i use healing wave (wowhead link) or greater healing wave if the target is low . when i'm healing tanks i also use my healing rain to heal him & surroinding Melle DPSers using earth shield (wowhead link) is a must as it powers all shaman heals by 20% & ofcourse heals the target if he's atacked after using these two spells i useRiptide (wowhead link) & sometimes unleash elements to give the tank the hots needed rather then that i just heal using the healing wave or greater healing wave . you might notice i didn't mention healing surge (wowhead link) well basicly it takes alot of mana & does less healing that greater healing wave . but i do use it when tanks need heal burst (unleash elements & healing surge with shaman mastery [my mastery] could get tanks full in one heal ) . using totems is something i do automaticly heal tide = aoe totem used for exemplte at tsulong or when stone guards overload healing stream totem is used whenever the shaman wants to recover mana or just because some targets are low & the shaman prefers to heal 1 by 1 to save mana.

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? i mainly go to fatboss guides on youtube i understand him perfectly & he gives almost all the info needed & if it's a boss that i don't know i could always ask my fellew guild members .

Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? bound by blood well it's a nice guild tho it has inactivness problems i'am a leader in the guild so i'm trying to invite & menage people but it's kinda hard because the founder does not login much officers aswell etc .. (i personally had fun in it as it's the first english guild i join & it had friendly people)

Previous raiding experience?(full Wotlk progress [other serveurs] MV & Toes 10n & toes 25n / MV10h 4/6 / toes 10h never tried it

A few words about you : i'm a 17 y.o male i'm a tunisien , i'am a kind person who likes to talk with others help people . i talk & write english fluently & i also talk french and arabic and some deutsch c: . i like doing sports as i go to the gym from time to time i play football mainly & love house / nightcore music.
i'm still a student currently studying technology* .

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 15-09-2015 21:02)
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Post Posted: 18-08-2015, 21:49:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Kemokee
Class : Death Knight
Main spec / Off spec : Frost/Blood
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot :
Computer spec : 2x Intel Xeon e5430 quad core @ 3.1 ghz, 8gb ddr2 ram, ASUS HD 7870 @ 1100/1350
Your alts : None atm
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance :
Dks have a general priority for spells:

Prepull i pop my swifty(trinkets+pillar+glove enchant+racial) and apply strong dots with outbreak
Later I pop swifty every minute to keep everything on CD.
Use AMS if there is magic damage on me to increase runic power generation.
Use gorefiends grasp if there are some mobs to help tank pick them up.
Single target:

0. Blood Tap if on 11 or 12 stacks
1. Soul Reaper <= 35%
2. Diseases
3. Frost Strike if runic capped
4. Obliterate if 2 of same rune are up or if Killing Machine procs
5. Frost Strike
6. Howling Blast on Rime procs
7. Obliterate
8. Empower Rune Weapon
9. Horn of Winter

When dots are about to fade i use Plague leech and reapply with Outbreak if its off CD.

Mass AoE is same but replace obliterate with howling blast spam and DnD/Plague strike.
If less than 4 targets i just do normal rotation.

My stat prio currently is:Hit cap>Exp cap>Str>Crit>Haste>Mastery
I use Simcraft + ReforgeLite to maximize my itemization and reforge.

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? Yes, mostly fatboss guides.
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? Didnt have any serious raiding guild on MoP.
Previous raiding experience?
Wotlk: 12/12 Icc 25HC 0% buff / 12/12 ICC 10hc 0% buff on Gamer-District
Cata: Ultraxion 10hc/25hc on my Rogue here.
MoP: 4/6 MV 10n 1/4 Toes 10n
A few words about you : Im a guy called Kemal from Bosnia, im 19 years old and i like video games D: Im about to start my studies on Software Engineering.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 05-09-2015 22:42)
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Post Posted: 20-08-2015, 19:45:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Belyalz
Class : Shaman
Main spec / Off spec : Enha 496 / Ele 480
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot : -
Computer spec : -
Your alts : -
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance :
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? OverLords - they go to the Ally
Previous raiding experience? i don't have 2 accivments 1 from Mv last boss and Toes last boss
A few words about you : Alwais happy - !

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[Dark Archangel]

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(since 14-10-2019 14:48)
Joined: 02 Feb 2015
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Post Posted: 22-08-2015, 13:49:06 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Charater name: Braxe
Class: Death Knight
Main spec/Off spec: Unholy/Blood
Link to your Amrory profile:

Raid UI Screenshot:

Computer spec: AMD A8-5500 APU, nVIDIA GeForce 9600GT, 4GB RAM

Your alts: Syreth as a Death Knight, Xueny as a Monk and Victoriana as a Warlock

Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance:
Single Target: Firstly I alaways apply my DoTs and opens with a Blood Strike to harvest that 12,5% damage bonus per disease. During the fight Im going for the Dark Transformation proc to transporm my ghoul. And if the target is below 35% HP I use my Soul Reaper to deal pure shadow damage.
AoE Fight: I apply my DoTs on 1 target then spam Blood Boil to spread my diseases. Death n' Decay is used on CD.

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?
Yes. I do research. Mostly I read Icy Veins and if I dont understand something I watch a video from Fatboss.

Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them?
Simply. There were no community. And without that there are no raid.

Previous raiding experience?
Full BoT 10n/10h, some retail experience from WoTLK and MoP, PTR experience here.

A few words about you: Hy. Im 17 and I love playing wow. I spend most of my time playing wow. Also I like reading and writing.And of course I take this game seriously.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 12-02-2018 10:43)
Joined: 08 Apr 2013
Posts: 51, Topics: 25
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Post Posted: 23-08-2015, 00:53:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Prometerium
Class : Warrior
Main spec / Off spec : Arms/Protection
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot :
Computer spec : AMD FX 8320 CPU,GEFORCE 970 GPU,8G RAM
Your alts : Prome(Monk),Nocttua(Warlock),Hardcorre(Paladin)
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : I start with chare,than mortal strike,spam slam while collosus smash debuff is up and high on rage or during burst,overpower i use when i am at low rage and everything to generate it are on cooldown.Before the encounter starts i drink a potion>activate the battle shout for rage>charge>applie mortal strike + colossus smash>activate the burst>storm bolt + dragon roar>spam slam and repeat,when i can use the execute at the 60 rage use 2-3 executes.
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? I'm watching fatboss guides.
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? My last guild was Hemorrhage and the throw me out cuz the leader of the guild was afk 7 days and he let me the second gm i tryed to help them and make some raids and they just blame me cuz i didn't make raids but they don't even disturbed ther selfs to come at the raid they chose the global...I chose your guild cuz you are the best on this server and i hear that here are good people who really enjoy this game .
Previous raiding experience? 4/6 10 HC MV,3/4 25H TOES,3/4 TOES N,6/6 MV 10N
A few words about you : My name is Cosmin and i like to spend my free time on wow and with my friends.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 21-04-2017 20:36)
Joined: 06 Jul 2015
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Post Posted: 23-08-2015, 02:02:34 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : reghar

Class : Shaman

Main spec / Off spec: Elemental/ Restoration

Link to your Armory profile :

Raid UI screenshot :

pc : I5 4690K CPU , GTX 970 GPU , 8G RAM

Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : <--- Basically : ( Explain when and why do you prioritize some spells / cds in X situation , your priority list for dps and other stuff related to your class / spec. For a dps it would be : (spells that you keep all the time , and your priority list and stuff also on AoE situations ) , while for a healer it should be ( How do you manage your mana , major cooldowns , burst healing , AoE healing ) one of the most important aspects of your application
elemental blast always on cd ( i play elemental blast now and maybe at unleashed fury on siege of ogrimar )
lava burst always on cd
flame shock always on targets
stormlash totem @ start if we bloodlust .
searing totem always down
earthshock at 6-7 stacks
and lighting bolt when i have nothing to do

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use: Yes i do , Top retail guilds strategy guides for my retail progression , Fatboss
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them: My last guild was Evolution ..( i quit because alot of time passed and this guild still can't make toes 10h ) , i chose aeon nox because i search some quality people and raids

Previous raiding experience: i started to play shaman elemental in mop
before this i played boomkin another hibrid class -
but not played to much on cata like half of dragon soul

A few words about you : Hello i am andrey , a 22 years old man student but now on vacation , i play World of Warcraft because its a fun game , i always like to fight on dps with other people that motivates me to do more and more
also i am dedicated player always on time on raids and try to do my best always

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(since 29-06-2024 18:45)
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    Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 23-08-2015, 02:59:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Daraos : Rejected ( Not currently looking for Restoration Shamans. )
Belyalz : Rejected ( Cool application. )
Reghar : Rejected ( Wrong application format , copying some lines , already made an application for Unleashed and accepted < sorry for voicemail > , ingame account not bound to forum account. )
Kemoke: Rejected ( We're looking for geared characters with 4/6 progress on heroic at least , like i stated ahead. )
Braxe : Rejected ( We're looking for geared characters with 4/6 progress on heroic at least , like i stated ahead. )
Prometerium : Accepted ( Contact any officer ingame for an invite. )

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