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[King of Aeon Nox]

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Post Posted: 01-05-2016, 15:56:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Sardanapalos : Rejected
Japca : accepted

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 06-05-2016, 11:08:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : jjessicaa
Class : shadow priest
Main spec / Off spec : shadow
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot : i dont have
Computer spec : Corei4 8G ram 1G graphic AMD 5520
Your alts : triggerlock warlock destro
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : still lerning for shadow priest
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? from wrath of avengers, guild is totally lose so i have to gear up with best guild like this
Current Raiding Experien : i have all achivment in my alt warlock
A few words about you : i just wish u will accpt my request for guild, thank you.

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[King of Aeon Nox]

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Post Posted: 06-05-2016, 13:07:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

JJessica : Rejected

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 08-05-2016, 04:02:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name :Xooney
Class : Druid
Main spec / Off spec : Feral / Balance
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot :
Computer spec : i5 cpu, 8 gb ram, gtx 640 graphics
Your alts : Dumbledotz
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance :
Open with pre cast healing touch for doc proc => savage roar => Rake => spam shred till 5 combo points => Rip => spam shred till 5 points and fb or savage roar if its about to fall off => use instant proc before 5 combo points for 30% increase => Reapply Rip with trinkets such as rune and Doc with Savage Roar => Clear casting proc and trinkets apply thrash. Bellow 20% fb with 5 combo points only reapply rip if stronger trinket procs are available.
Rip can be re applied if the trinkets and buffs available provide a stronger rip and rake giving more dps over the 15 sec peroid.

Pre cast starfire =>apply moon and sunfire => use celestial alignment => spam starfire =>after 15sec use incarnation => Reapply dots with buffs and trinkets => Spam Starfire Again => Once in solar spam wrath at high reapply sunfire.
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?
Most of the time i will use youtube with channels such as fatboss.
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? Not as serious about raiding as i would like
Current Raiding Experience? : Raided during MOP retail cleared both tot hc and soo hc ahead of the curve.
A few words about you :My name is Sam i am 17 and currently studying for alevels in england i have been playing wow for over 5 years. My free time usually consists of playing video games and going to the gym. I have also played league of legends and similar games during wow down times.
I spoke to someone already in the guild called calculated who told me to apply for the guild.

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[King of Aeon Nox]

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Post Posted: 09-05-2016, 12:13:31 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Xooney : Rejected

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 10-05-2016, 20:15:27 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name:Quickskil
Class : Hunter
Main spec / Off spec :MM/BM
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot :
Computer spec -c , Galaxy. 4 gb ram , Dual core 2.3 , Video Nvidia GetFroce 8400 Gs 5400 G
Your alts: HandBreaker (arms 515( , ChuckBalance( for the moment lvl 55 growing up !
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : Check right talents for the ecounter , i always start whit a prepop, - Serpent Sting > use my cds > aimed> chimiera > 2-3 stready shoot to get some focus > aimed > Barage / Glaive Tees- Depends .. Hit :7.5% - expertize 7.5% -Crit>Haste >Mastery
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?: i follow methods guide
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them?: Reckless my last guild , i got kicked for some misunderstandings
Current Raiding Experience? : Ji-kun tot hc / Full normal 10-25
A few words about you : My name is Nicu , i live in Romania , I want a beautiful community , and progress pve , regards

Last edited by QuickArrow on 11-05-2016, 09:28:30; edited 2 times in total
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 11-05-2016, 08:26:42 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hello, im Kaan a 21 year old medicine student.


Race and Class: Krushnak, Orc Warrior

Main spec/Off spec: Main Arms/OS Fury (Fury will become main once i get higher ilvl)

What's your item level in PvE gear? 491 and rising

Alts: Listeria (Priest)

Professions: Blacksmith/Engineering maxed (BİS profession for warrior)
Freakz's armory link of your main:

EXPERIENCE: 8/13 pre nerf SoO heroic experience, curve on Highmaul and Blackfire Citadel, all on retail.

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? FatBossTV and Icy Veins

In what guild(s) have you been and why have you left/kicked ? Im new in wow Freakz and have never been in any other guilds.

What's your raiding experience on 5.4.8 Specify if it's on Freakz or elsewhere: 8/13 pre nerf SoO heroic experience on retail


At pull: Use the macro for dmg cooldowns>Colossus Smash>Mortal Strike>Slam until Colossus Smash wears off

Rotation: Pool rage until next colossus smash with Mortal Strike>Colossus Smash>Slam>Mortal Strike when out of rage

AoE: Use the macro for dmg cooldowns>Thunder Clap to apply DoT>Bladestorm>Sweeping Strikes>Normal rotation

Explain us your stats priority and caps you are using (hit, exp, haste, etc): Hit=Exp until %7.5>Strength>Crit>Mastery>Haste

Which addons are you using? DBM, Recount, Bagnon, AutoRepair, OmniCC, WeakAuras


Link us a screen shot of your dps on a dummy (this counts for any DPS spec, main or off). Open recount so we can all spells you have used. Stop at 20 million damage.

Link us a screenshot of your dps/heal in a raid. The boss must be dead. By preference Jin'rokh the Breaker.

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[King of Aeon Nox]

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(since 15-05-2020 11:48)
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Post Posted: 11-05-2016, 11:49:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Quickskill : Accepted
Krushnak : Accepted ( whisper an officer ingame )

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 17-07-2016 17:43)
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Post Posted: 11-05-2016, 14:42:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name :Hakudo
Class :priest
Main spec / Off spec :shadow/disci
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot :
Computer spec :Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-4130 CPU @ 3.40GHz ,8 gb ram
Your alts :no alts,but as i gear my main i may start playing a warrior
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance :first i apply vampiric touch and shadow word pain,use mind blast on cooldown until i have 3 orbs,at 3 orbs i use devouring plague and if the target is at 20% or lower i also use shadow word death.My priority for single target is:devouring plague 3 orb>mind blast>shadow word death>mind flay insanity>dots>mind flay>level 90 talent.For aoe i dot up to 4 targets and then normal roatiion,at 5 or more targets i cast mind sear.I also use fade ,dispersion and vampiric embrace as defensives and mass dispel if needed by the raid.As discipline i use power word shield on cooldown aswell as prayer of mending ,usually heal to conserve mana and greater heal if i need to heal more damage,flash heal is used only in emergency situations.Power word barrier is a great raid cooldown wich i use to protect the raid from big damage attacks, and pain supression for the tank.
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?:i usually go on youtube to research boss fights
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them?:i dont have a last guild
Current Raiding Experience? :i played a warrior throughout most of cataclysm and i had progress on both normal and heroic dragon soul on all the bosses,i used to raid in The Betrayers and i was a very good dps on warrior arms.
A few words about you :My name is Florin,im 19 years old and i currently have a lot of free time beeing able to play pretty much 24/7 .I am looking for a guild that has nice palyers that can help me so i can then help the guild myself as best as i can.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 17-05-2016, 00:32:02 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : MARLBRO

Class : MAGE

Main spec / Off spec : Frost / Arcane

Link to your Armory profile :

Raid UI screenshot :

Computer spec : i7 3770 8core 3.4Gh 32Gb ram ...

Your alts : i have 3 mage... that`s only class i like to play

Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : i usually start the fight with potion before the combat start and then my bomb (usually living bomb because of singel target fights) and then frost bolt until finger of frost trigerd... frosen orb on CD for extra fionger of frost... mirror image when ever i can.. for brust phase i use my [Engineering: Synapse Springs] and then icy veins and then alter time and brust.. i try to manage to use icy veins and alter time with potions in blood lust time, that extend the time of them and raise the dps... by the way i charge my invocation buff when ever i need ...

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? i usually read about boss script in and try to match the information there with the freakz version -

Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? "rebellious" is very good guild with friendly ppl... i play with them for about 5 month .. but many of them are not so serious in play and not intrested in raising thay performance .. i like to play with some pro ppl that give me reson to grow and try harder to raise my performance ... because of low performance i go to pug raids and that`s even worse... so i decide to change my guild and join a best possible one...

Current Raiding Experience? : i do TOT 10 full run.. but dont have any progress on Hc ... i read about that....

A few words about you : my name is omid.. 34 years old... architect... married and have a 6 years old son... love to play in my free times... love to hunting achivment - (12575 now)... play in this server since 2011 ... love music and movies... atheist...

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 01-06-2016 08:14)
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Post Posted: 17-05-2016, 19:31:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name :

Class :
Kanarie ( Druid ) / Bosskanarie ( Warrior ) Still leveling!

Main spec / Off spec :
Druid: Resto/Balance. Warrior: All specs

Link to your Armory profile :
im still gearing and leveling most of my characters!

Raid UI screenshot :
I got also DBM and Weak aura's for debuffs.

Computer spec :
Intel Core i5-2410m 2,3GHz with Turbo boost ip to 2,9GHZ
NVIDIA GeForce GT 520M, Up to 2741 MB TurboCache
8 GB DDR Memory
500 GB HDD
With this setup i raided alot of times before and it for some reason it works.

Your alts :
Bosskanarie ( Warrior )
Sankaa ( Shaman )
and few more are to come just still leveling!
If this guild is need in certain Classes i could level them and play them.
Except Warlock im bad at him stil.
Rogue: Need to learn still

Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance :
At healing i dont have really a rotation it dependend on the situation. But i look mostly up what talent would be the best for each fight.
For my warrior i have mostly a simple rotation like everyone else. I make sure i do the most damage as i can without dieing! I might do not the highest damage but i never die but i do enough damage for the fight!.
For arms:
Rend allways up >
CS when up >
Mortal Strike after CS >
HC strike when above around 50-70 Rage dependend on the situation bcs it will use almost all your rage! >
Spam OP till i have just enough for 1 MS >
Execute instead of MS if boss below 20%
I mostly repeat this.
Rend + Thunder Clap for AOE

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?
Before i go into a raid i mostly make sure i know all the bosses that will encounter. Mostly i know them before they get released.
I watch Fatboss guide's or any other guide's if they help.
I look up with Talents i need to use and what would be the best.
I look up Tips that might help me be extra more carefull.
Icyveins or diffrent site help me with this.

Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them?
My last guild was on a diffrent server and that server went down.
I know the progression of this guild and i hope i might be able to get also that far in this guild ( if i get accepted )

Current Raiding Experience? :
BWD: 6/6 HC
BoT: 5/5 HC with 25m Realm first Sinestra
TotFW: 2/2 with 25m Realm first Al'akir and conclave
Firelands: 7/7 HC both on 10m and 25m
Dragon Soul: 8/8 HC on 10m Realm first. My guild also had 25m but i wans't there

6/6 MsV HC
6/6 HoF Nm
4/4 ToeS nm
7/12 Tot nm
13/13 SoO nm
Did't raid much in this time

7/7 HM HC
9/10 BRF HC
4/13 HFC HC
I stopped playing WoW for a while.

A few words about you :
This is my Retail wow warrior.
I played on Retail and on a diffrent private server (Molten WoW)

Thing is you need to know about me is that i care more about surviving during an encounter than doing the maximum dps. Unless if i dont die but i dont do enough dps to be able to kill the boss

If i miss some stuff in this applycation than message me. Or if there are more questions that you want me to answer.

My english isn't 100% perfect but i hope you will understand it

For the rest
My real name is Jari Fuijkschot i am 18 years old
I play wow now for 5 years and i am raiding already for 4 years.
Im duthch

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[King of Aeon Nox]

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Post Posted: 18-05-2016, 11:27:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Marlbro : accepted
Kanarie : Accepted
You will be tested on normal raids 1st, hopefully!

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 23-05-2016, 11:18:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Dihorull

Class : Monck

Main spec / Off spec : WW / BM

Link to your Armory profile :

Computer spec : asus K55v, I7 ,8G ram ,nvidia geforce 610m

Your alts : no alts that i play

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? yea i do use fatboos guides

Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? came back frome blizz

Current Raiding Experien : its full normal and 6/13 hc

A few words about you : i m 33 ,maried ,1 child and plaiying wow frome tbc

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 23-08-2020 18:30)
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Post Posted: 25-05-2016, 02:51:05 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Darkiee

Class : Monk

Main spec / Off spec : WW / MW (PvP)

Link to your Armory profile :

Raid UI screenshot :

Computer spec : Core Duo 2GHz, 4 GB RAM, ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4300 Series

Your alts : Darkwave (Rogue) and bunch of others on which I don't really play atm

Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance :
single target :
keeping up Tiger Power buff -> Rising Sun Kick on cd -> Chi wave on cd -> fill with Jab/Black Out Kick/Tiger Palm (from Combo Breaker)/Expel Harm for some self-healing
multi target : I use Storm, Fire and Earth spirits which makes me cleave 3 targets at the same time
for general AoE : spamming Spinning Crane Kick, keeping up Tiger Power and Rising Sun Kick debuff, Fist of Fury for AoE CC
cds : Xuen usually on cd, Energizing Brew on cd (except I have huge amount of energy orbs floating around from p2t15 set),
Chi Brews asap if it won't waste Chi or cause me getting energy capped
I'm lining up Tiger Eye Brew with Rising Sunk Kick cd so I can guarantee getting 2 kicks within the duration of the buff
Fists of Fury - the most tricky, I usually use it at the end of Tiger Eye Brew (having like 5 sec cd to another Rising Sun Kick) and if I'm sure the boss won't move during the duration, I won't cap my energy and Tiger palm buff won't fall off
maximizing dps : testing on the dummy, SimCrafting

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?
youtube videos for a general info and overview of the boss fight (fatboss guides)
then either web-pages or dungeon journal to remind me of the specific spells which I should care about

Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them?
czech guild TheBestFriends - not willing to do any heroic progress (just farming normal)

Current Raiding Experience? :
every MoP raid on normal
3/6 MGV HC
tried ToT HC with pugs - wasn't that succesful

A few words about you :
I'm Pavel from Czech Republic, 21y old, currently studying computer science at uni

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[King of Aeon Nox]

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Post Posted: 25-05-2016, 08:00:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dihorull : Rejected ( incomplete application )
Darkiee : Accepted

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