
[Siege of Orgrimmar] Iron Juggernaut
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Post Posted: 24-08-2016, 12:59:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Magnus06 wrote:
Actually i checked for this, when a tank gets hit by Flame vents he also get a debuff called "Ignite armor" which increase FIRE damage taken by 10% (idk if if it stacks) but i checked the spell on your website and it only affects fire damage school and the engulfing explosion deals physical damages.
Just checked, no, it doesn't get increased
Magnus06 wrote:
This is apparently the mine used in the encounter, it has 1 armor. Could it inflict damage based on his armor to a player instead of using player's armor ?
No, it really takes the player's armor in consideration, but something ELSE is increasing the damage again, if someone could supply a screenshot of buffs BEFORE he gets hit by the explosion that would be helpful

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Post Posted: 24-08-2016, 13:29:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

The only thing i see left is if the mines are still friendly then they get buffed by players somehow but i don't see what benevolent buff that increase damage could be accidentally applied to them.

What if it just take base armor into considaration but still ignore any other damage mitigation effect ? Guardian druid's mastery is different from armor. We had this issue on tortos heroic iirc or another ToT boss back then. It seems legit to me, base armor on a tank reduce damage by ~50% and hangry's druid took roughly half of the damage done my engulfing explosion.

Last edited by Magnus06 on 24-08-2016, 13:30:42; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 24-08-2016, 13:30:15 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi Shockeru, it could be (wowhead link) because it states that it needs to deal direct and ticking damage, it also states that it needs to go to random players, the amount of players I cannot identify. I am thinking now of it, once is casted, that is when the massive damage came in to all players, I am guessing that this is casted to all players except maybe 1 - 2 or 3 of them in a 10 man? - Worth a look.
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Post Posted: 24-08-2016, 13:37:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

GoRo2010 wrote:
Hi Shockeru, it could be (wowhead link) because it states that it needs to deal direct and ticking damage, it also states that it needs to go to random players, the amount of players I cannot identify. I am thinking now of it, once is casted, that is when the massive damage came in to all players, I am guessing that this is casted to all players except maybe 1 - 2 or 3 of them in a 10 man? - Worth a look.

No, it's casted on 1 player in 10 man mode, and 3 in 25.

Looking to find what causes it.

L.E: Damage on mines is (and was) working properly.

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Post Posted: 24-08-2016, 20:11:13 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Great, we found what the "problem" was: THERE WASN'T ANY PROBLEM. HE WAS IN TRAVEL FORM, NOT BEAR FORM, THAT'S WHY HE GOT THAT BIG DAMAGE. Thank you for wasting our whole day with IMAGINARY BUGS once again instead of actually fixing something

Next time please, just trust us, when we say it works, IT WORKS, so stop ranting and bring real proof

L.E.: I'm afraid to even implement heroic mode for SoO... if you guys complain about normal mode "damage being too high"

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Post Posted: 24-08-2016, 23:54:00 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Go implement it, Immerseus can be done by everyone.

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Post Posted: 25-08-2016, 09:15:20 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages) hit multiple times (and no, it's not splash damage)
the recount details are from 10m, the raid was spread, and u can see that even the tank was double hit
in the ss from 25man u can see the radar, so i make sure nobody was near me and i still was multiple hit

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Post Posted: 26-08-2016, 00:47:37 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

magda wrote: hit multiple times (and no, it's not splash damage)
the recount details are from 10m, the raid was spread, and u can see that even the tank was double hit
in the ss from 25man u can see the radar, so i make sure nobody was near me and i still was multiple hit

Indeed. Both of his shoulder mounted turrets hit players. Each of them hitting 3 players on 10 normal, and 5 on 25.
Fixed. Now only one (random) turret hits players.
Crawler mine now targets players instead of random places.

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Post Posted: 26-08-2016, 09:58:52 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:

L.E.: I'm afraid to even implement heroic mode for SoO... if you guys complain about normal mode "damage being too high"

So I guess that the boss had bugs with damage dealt.

Nexflame wrote:

Indeed. Both of his shoulder mounted turrets hit players. Each of them hitting 3 players on 10 normal, and 5 on 25.
Fixed. Now only one (random) turret hits players.
Crawler mine now targets players instead of random places.

Thank you for providing proof magda

magda wrote: hit multiple times (and no, it's not splash damage)
the recount details are from 10m, the raid was spread, and u can see that even the tank was double hit
in the ss from 25man u can see the radar, so i make sure nobody was near me and i still was multiple hit
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Post Posted: 26-08-2016, 16:46:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Shocker wrote:
Great, we found what the "problem" was: THERE WASN'T ANY PROBLEM. HE WAS IN TRAVEL FORM, NOT BEAR FORM, THAT'S WHY HE GOT THAT BIG DAMAGE. Thank you for wasting our whole day with IMAGINARY BUGS once again instead of actually fixing something

Next time please, just trust us, when we say it works, IT WORKS, so stop ranting and bring real proof

L.E.: I'm afraid to even implement heroic mode for SoO... if you guys complain about normal mode "damage being too high"

You should not implement heroic until you implement full normal. That would only benefit ppl wit donated gear, and server is already p2w. Blizzard also didint implement heroic on the same time they implemented normal and to be able to enter heroic you needed to kill garosh normal 1st, so i dont see the point right now.

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[Err505 Baguette Way]

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Post Posted: 27-08-2016, 01:54:49 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hi, we tried Iron Juggernaut tonight and we can say that it has nothing to do with his first released version. Still challenging but that will way easier once most of us will get legendary metagems.

I'm not here to report bugs because i don't have proof or anything to rely on but this are the things that "troubled" me :

1 - The iron fence where we enter the boss area doesn't prevent player from beeing knocked far away, you just go over and get killed by anticheat if you happen to be there when the boss casts . I was sitting at the red dot on the screen at the moment.

2 - can be applied atop of structures resulting in weird tars locations (see the dark circle, should've get a better point of view tho).

3 - got reapplied on the same player (indicated with red arrow), i don't know if this bad RNG can happen.

4 - seems weird. Sometimes another player would get damaged without touching it, either the animation is not synced with the actual damage or the laser's wideness is wrong.

So this is it, i just write it down here and maybe someone will notice that too and find a proper way to explain/bring proof for it. It'll also help me be more accurate next time i encounter it, maybe we'll record this time but right now i'm too tired so i will probably investigate tomorrow. -

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Post Posted: 27-08-2016, 08:55:28 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Ive seen the Boss yesterday(last time last friday), no apparent really game breaking bugs are in this encounter at the current time, speaking of the groups ive seen fight from "big" guilds, ppl play just like total and complete crap. i am able to pump ~230k hps(no oh just raw hps and absorbs) combined over the course of a whole fight but ppl just stand in every god damn shit ability. It does not suffice to get your raid filled with 5-6 donors and expect boss will salute and hand you loot, if you buy a full geared char you better do more than 220k dps, heck ive been in raids as filler for guilds that are build on the premise to use donor chars and they wipe @ Fallen Protectors and claim it was bugs...

tl:dr, boss is fine ppl are just complete trash.

i would even go so far and say that Iron Juggernaut is more fixed than Sha of Pride.


Dont get me wrong i see also a lot of good players but like 99% of them lack the determination to look up guides my most hated sentenced i always see is "I didnt want to watch the guide" because it takes only like 5 - 10 minutes. -.-

Last edited by Bhuddzecks on 27-08-2016, 20:17:51; edited 1 time in total
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Post Posted: 27-08-2016, 12:16:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I don't have proof but in phase 2 mines don't ''charge'' players , the mines just stop in front of boss. And there is a problem because players get knockback and some times is hard to run from other side of room just to ''take'' mines who spawn in front of boss and stay there ! I think mines need to be in phase 2 like in faze 1 to ''charge'' a player.. You might think mines spawn in front of boss because players where there before they get knockback.. but is not.. in one try we get knockback and afther knockback mines spawn in front of boss !

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Post Posted: 27-08-2016, 13:29:26 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ShortyBoy wrote:
I don't have proof but in phase 2 mines don't ''charge'' players , the mines just stop in front of boss. And there is a problem because players get knockback and some times is hard to run from other side of room just to ''take'' mines who spawn in front of boss and stay there ! I think mines need to be in phase 2 like in faze 1 to ''charge'' a player.. You might think mines spawn in front of boss because players where there before they get knockback.. but is not.. in one try we get knockback and afther knockback mines spawn in front of boss !

The mines are just travelling to the player and stopping on 10-15yards distance from the boss , it wont stop moving when they reach targeted player location.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 27-08-2016, 13:46:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ShortyBoy wrote:
I don't have proof but in phase 2 mines don't ''charge'' players , the mines just stop in front of boss. And there is a problem because players get knockback and some times is hard to run from other side of room just to ''take'' mines who spawn in front of boss and stay there ! I think mines need to be in phase 2 like in faze 1 to ''charge'' a player.. You might think mines spawn in front of boss because players where there before they get knockback.. but is not.. in one try we get knockback and afther knockback mines spawn in front of boss !

A common strat on retail was to time it so when you used the bomb the knockback happened so while the raid got knocked back the tanks remained near bombs. I dont know if this works here on FreakZ since last time i filled the role of maintank is several years ago when MoP was on retail.

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