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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 25-05-2016, 14:23:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : jjessicaa
Class : shadow priest
Main spec / Off spec : triggerlock in ally
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot :not done yet
Computer spec :8gb RAM 2.66ghz Intel (R) Core (TM) 2 Quad CPU
Your alts : triggerlock (warlock)
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance :Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch, Mind Blast, Devouring Plague, Mind Flay & repet, Mind Flay on the target when Devouring Plague is up.
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? i m from wrath of avengers indian guild , guilds is totally closed so i searching for new guild
Current Raiding Experience? : all raid experience like msv , hof , toes , tot
A few words about you : well my name is sunny from india, i m xlussypickers friends from last guild wrath of avengers, i m a textile business man , i play wow from last 1.5 year & i m addict of wow.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 14-06-2016 15:42)
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Post Posted: 31-05-2016, 13:16:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Srkonez

Class : Druid

Main spec / Off spec : Balance

Link to your Armory profile :

Raid UI screenshot :

Computer spec : intel g630, gtx 275, 4gb ram

Your alts : Hapawe Shrk

Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance :
Apply Moonfire and Sunfire maintain. Starsurge on cooldown. Starfall on cooldown.
Cast wrath to get Lunat eclipse. Cast starfire to get solar eclipse.

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?
Yes i use Youtube, or Google, bigges guilds like method website etc.
Im also using DBM for fights.

Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them?
My last guild was Final Ascension. Im leaved, because too much kids of there.

Current Raiding Experience? : Knowing encounters for MSV Terrace and ToT

A few words about you : Im 22 yo . I from hungary Szeged, i do draws stencils and stickers, STREETART RULEZ -

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[King of Aeon Nox]

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Post Posted: 31-05-2016, 16:24:33 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

JJessica : Rejected
Srkonez : Accepted ( have to gear up more first before heroics)

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 12-07-2019 20:27)
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Post Posted: 31-05-2016, 20:12:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : paliatsos
Class :troll destruction warlock
Main spec / Off spec : destruction/have not decided yet
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot : dont use one atm
Computer spec : i5 2.6ghz 4gbram nvidia ti 650
Your alts : , , , , ,

Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance :
burst: using on 2,5-4 Burning Embers with 1-3 proc active at that moment (Curse of the Elements, Immolate, Summon Doomguard, Potion of the Jade Serpent, Dark Soul, Berserking, Chaos Bolt , Conflagrate or Fel Flame, Chaos Bolt, Conflagrate or Fel Flame, Immolate etc)

normal rotation: Immolate, Curse of the Elements,Conflagrate, Fel FlameX3-4 times, Conflagrate, Chaos Bolt, Immolate , repeat in that manner.

Aoe rotation 4 and more adds: [Fire and Brimstone] ,Curse of the Elements, [Rain of Fire] [Incinerate], [Conflagrate], [Immolate].

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? youtube videos, dungeon joirnar, forums conversation with other players.

Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? guild is pretty inactive and strategy lack for my taste good ppl though.

Current Raiding Experience? : from lowest up to all normal raid 10n/25n in pandaria and , 10h mv , 10h tot [Jin'rokh the Breaker], [Horridon], [Durumu the Forgotten] clear.
A few words about you :im Antony 30years old i play wow im my free time.

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(since 04-09-2022 15:35)
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Post Posted: 02-06-2016, 17:25:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : hujuqt
Class : priest
Main spec / Off spec : disc/shadow
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot : (ss from blizz because i dont have freakz installed)
Computer spec : i5 / gtx 650
Your alts : huju / ruptotul
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : for healers there isn't a specific rotation , it's about situations and priorities. I maximize my performance by looking on other logs and learning the fight and the cd's that needs to be used in certain situations.
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? I know all boss fights in this expansion/next expansion by playing on blizz.
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them?Idk... Classified was my last , but i wasn't playing that much because i was busy with blizz progress.
Current Raiding Experience? : 12/13 hc(went to Realm First , when Ra-Den was bugged and could've been made only with bm/guardian)
A few words about you : I like to solo heal.

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[King of Aeon Nox]

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(since 15-05-2020 11:48)
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Post Posted: 02-06-2016, 18:43:48 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Paliatsos : Accepted
Huju : Accepted
Recruitment closed until Siege of Orgrimmar

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 28-02-2019 21:09)
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Post Posted: 12-06-2016, 18:26:59 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : DrLocker
Class : Warlock
Main spec / Off spec : Destruction / Demology
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot :
Computer spec : amd fx8350 , 8gb ram , nvidia gt 650 gpu
Your alts : Vodis ( Paladin ) Shazamans ( Shaman) Favinio (Priest)
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance :
Curse Of Elements ( Always on)
Dark soul : instability (Before chaos bolt on burst)
Emmolation (Refresh almost at 2sec before expire)
Chaos bolt If 3+ Burning Embers Or Incinerate (to get 3+ Burning Embers)
Doomguard On at the burst

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?
Fatboss and youtube is a great method to learn the encounter so i use them very often

Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? I was on stallions it was a guild made my reallife mates (we are all friend but the quit wow)
i try to find out peoples that know what to do and have some brain in order to communicate with them. i choose you cause i got a lot of willing to get a end game raiding experiance
Current Raiding Experience? : right now i dont have any experienxe also i know every script and i have see all encounters but i cant stand with brainless ppl so i did not raid this time
previous on cataclysm my priest was my main char and i have DS Hc completed
A few words about you :
hello i am 26 years man from greece
i have quit retail cause all my friends have quit it and i want to still play in a friendly community...
Thats why i choose wow freakz..
i am a collage student in the Derby collage and i have a lot of free time to spend on playing wow cause i learn easy my lessons so i dont have to spend so much time to spend on reading...
i can be online and raid AT LEAST 3 night a weak...

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[King of Aeon Nox]

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Post Posted: 13-06-2016, 13:21:08 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Drlocker : Rejected

At the moment, recruitment is open for all specs / classes, a minimum gear of 530 ilvl is required as of Siege of Orgrimmar is opening

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 09-01-2018 20:14)
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Post Posted: 13-06-2016, 16:23:29 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name :Vinkelinka
Class :Paladin
Main spec / Off spec : Holy/Retry
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot :
Computer spec : Processor Amd FX (tm) 6100- six Core 3.30Ghz Video-NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760
Your alts : I dont have.
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : Selfless Healer Cycle

If you have taken the Selfless Healer talent instead ofEternal Flame, there is a very useful "rotation" you can perform.
Beacon of Light on Tank
Cast Judgment (generating 1 Holy Power and proccing SelflessHealer).
Cast Holy Radiance (using up the Selfless Healer buff, generating1 Holy Power, and proccing Daybreak Daybreak).
Cast Holy Shock (generating 1 Holy Power, using up Daybreak).
Cast (a 3-Holy Power) Light of Dawn.
Cast Holy Radiance on stacked raid members, in case there is raiddamage, or Divine Light on the Beacon of Light of Light tank otherwise.
As a Holy Paladin, you have several healing cooldowns. You should use themas we explain below:

Divine Favor temporarily buffs your spell haste and your criticalstrike chance, making it very useful when you need to temporarily increaseyour healing output.
Avenging Wrath temporarily increases your healing output by 20% andis very useful during periods of high sustained damage.
Guardian of Ancient Kings essentially duplicates all the healingyou do, for 15 seconds, as well as increasing your haste by 10% for thistime.
Lay on Hands should be used to save dying raid members, especiallytanks.
Hand of Sacrifice transfers 30% of the damage taken by the target,over 12 seconds, to you, and you can use Glyph of Hand of Sacrifice tocause the ability to no longer transfer the damage to you (instead, the targetsimply takes 30% less damage), which we recommend doing in practically allsituations. The effect is automatically canceled if the damage Hand of Sacrifice prevents on the target reaches 100% of your maximum health. Thiscooldown is excellent for reducing the damage taken by the tank, or other raidmembers. If you are not using the glyph, you must be aware of your currenthealth and of the damage of the abilities being used against the target.
Devotion Aura is a raid cooldown, and it should be used at a timedesignated by your raid leader, or as part of a rotation with the otherhealers.
Hand of Protection can be used to clear harmful physical damagedebuffs and bleeds from the target. Be mindful of the fact that bosses willnot attack targets affected by Hand of Protection, though, so only cast it onthe current tank if the off-tank is prepared to take over.
Hand of Salvation is useful in temporarily removing a target's threat.It is especially useful on the tank which has just been taunted off of bythe other tank. If the "old" tank has a high amount of Vengeance, it can bevery hard for them to continue attacking the boss without over-aggroing the"new" tank, so Hand of Salvation helps a lot with that.
Hand of Freedom removes movement-impairing effects from the targetedraid member, which can be very useful in certain situations. Note that Hand ofFreedom also removes other "hand" spells from raid members, so it can be usedto remove a Hand of Protection from a tank.

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? I use youtube for see the tactics (fatboss,
FatbossTV) , and icy veins site.
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? My last Guild is Healls Bears. Тhe reason why I want to leave this guild is that 90% of guild moved to play in Retail.
Current Raiding Experience? : Msvn/hc 6/6 Hof n/hc 4/4 Toes n 4/4 hc 1/4 Tot n 12/12 Tot hc 9/13 +Ra den Hc i know all script for evrywhere.
A few words about you : My name is Dimitar on 23 from Bulgaria.

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[King of Aeon Nox]

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Post Posted: 13-06-2016, 16:28:51 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Vinkelinka : Accepted

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[Pathogen officer]

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Post Posted: 17-06-2016, 16:18:45 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Stellix
Class : Warrior
Main spec / Off spec : Arms / Fury
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot :
Computer spec : i5 - 4590 ,3.30GHz, 3301 Mhz, GTX 950, 8gb
Your alts : I dont have any alts
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : Using Cds for burst starting with Colossus smash so i can do as much dps as i can and then dragon roar then storm bolt then bloodthirst to procs raging blow then heroic strike then raging blow then wild strike
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? FatbossTV he has best guides on youtube
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? Im still in guild but its Romanian so i dont rly understand them and i would like to join you guys because you are english guild -
Current Raiding Experience? : SoO 2/2 , ToT n 13/13, ToT Hc 2/13
A few words about you : My name is Adam im 15 years old and i like world of warcraft

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 18-06-2016, 23:59:38 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Spaminyodots
Class : Warlock
Main spec / Off spec : Affliction/Destro
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot :
Computer spec : 3.2ghz proccesor,1gb Video Ram ,4 gb Ram
Your alts : Cracklez (disco priest/holy 515 ilvl still low gear just started to play it)
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : I start with curse of elements and blow cds and soulburn>soulswap to pop all dots on target,then haunt and keep the debuff on and malefic grasp ,when i get trinket procs i reaply dots to snapshot them with better SP,and continue haunt and malefic grasp.If there are more targets i soul swap dots on them.If they are more than 4 i use seed of corruption with soulburn to spread corruption on all of them.
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? Yes i use youtube.Mostly fatboss guides online.
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? Im a veteran there but there are no people now and they cant do tot hc and i want a guild i can raid hc and clear content.
Current Raiding Experience? : MSV,TOES,TOT full cleared on normal.
A few words about you : Im 22 from Bulgaria.I started playing here last month but on the server i`ve played before ive cleared wotlk,cata full hcs .

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[King of Aeon Nox]

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Post Posted: 19-06-2016, 15:58:54 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Spaminyodots : accepted
Stellix : Rejected

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 20-06-2016, 12:03:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Triggerlolx

Class : Undead Mage

Main spec / Off spec : Frost

Link to your Armory profile :

Raid UI screenshot :

Computer spec : i5, nvidia 840m, 4 gb ram, 500 gb hdd

Your alts : yorruichi on alliance, and some for proffessions

Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance :
mirror image, jade serpent potion, icy veins, at procs i do alter time, then spam ice lances, frostbolt, brain freeze at procs, and when i have active FoF + 4-5 icicles i do ice lance

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?
dungeon journal, youtube, icy veins

Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them?
WoA, disbanded, im looking for new experience

Current Raiding Experience? : full tot normal, siege of orgrimmar, im looking for heroic content

A few words about you : im 21 yo from slovakia, and my name is Dominik, i study and in my free time i play WoW

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 24-12-2020 09:39)
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Post Posted: 20-06-2016, 15:28:01 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Proko
Class : Warrior
Main spec / Off spec : Fury/Arms
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot :
Computer spec :
Your alts : Prokofiev, Sayoko, Kenotic, Worstr, Elusive

Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : Since I've just aquired a 2 piece t16 and Evil Eye of Galakras, rotation changes quite a lot for my fury. At the moment I am almost using HS on cooldown since I ragecap almost every 3-4 seconds. Given the trinket, my Priority is Bloodthirst>CS>Storm Bolt>HS (Raging blow on proc) I am still experimenting at the moment with the new gear but I'm the type thats sits for days at the dummy to figure out optimal rotations.

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?
I do, I don't like being the guy that dies because of boss mechanics. I usually watch fatboss but I don't find it really helpful, I like reading about the fight better, since things are often times situational because of the raid class composition.

Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? I have raided in a couple of the major guilds, such as HEAVEN, The Betrayers, but most of the experience I have gathered while doing my own guild, Raven, which I was able to progress through ToT 10n as first bosses were implemented.

Current Raiding Experience? : Everything up to ToT HC, when I have stoped playing for not being able to maintain the guild because I didn't have enough time to play at that stage.

A few words about you : I like constructive criticism, I like sitting at the dummy to make sure I am doing the best dps I can possibly do, I like calm raids where people look to fix problems calmly and efficiently. I can play most classes at a decent to good level since I find it fun learning them.

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