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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 24-08-2015, 21:01:32 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Pointofview
Class : Druid
Main spec / Off spec : balance/resto
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot :
Computer spec : 4 gb ram , 1 gb video, 3.60 ghz
Your alts : Selsa
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : starfall, wrath, small burst, starfire , starfall, big burst(racial, celestial), starfall, spam starfire until celestial expire , wrath then starfall ,,after that general dps rotation
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? Fatboss
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? I ve got kicked by Drodu ... idk why I guess I told him he is fat...
Previous raiding experience? blizz, since Van
A few words about you : no words about me only raiding

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Post Posted: 27-08-2015, 16:26:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Deathcoil

Class : Death Knight

Main spec / Off spec : Frost/Blood

Link to your Armory profile :

Raid UI screenshot :

Computer spec :

Your alts : Masiur(RShaman),Bringdapain(HPaladin) I just play for a few time but i will rise my other char to lvl 90 quickly

Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : I always keep my disease on target,the killing machine proc i try to use with obliterate,Frost Strike always when i have 65+ runic,Blood Tap when i'm out of runes,And Howling Blast on aoe and when it proc and i need runic power

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?
I always use guides from Fat Boss when I want to learn a fight

Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them?
My last guild was AllStar Randoms and they emarge with you

Previous raiding experience?
Last patch i had full progress

A few words about you :I'm 18 year old,i'm sociable and i like to spend my free time playing video games on computer

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 27-06-2016 11:23)
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Post Posted: 28-08-2015, 23:05:03 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Badtobaco

Class : Warrior

Main spec / Off spec : Fury/Arms

Link to your Armory profile :
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Computer spec: AMD FX(tm)-4350 quad core 4.20 GHz , AMD Radeon R7 200 series , 8GB RAM

Your alts : Floralys and Micropwn and i have druid that is 85 (ofc ill lvl it and gear if you need it)

Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance :

Flask and food as first, prepoting always so i can use 2 pots in total in a fight.

Using my CDs (recklessness, avatar, racial (blood fury), trinket (if i have one on use) and skull banner (if there is another warrior in the grp then i deal with him before the fight who uses skull banner first so every1 gets more out of it).

I am trying to time my cds for execute phase (both in fury and arms).

Rotation: Fury -> Colossus Smash of cd -> Bloodthirst -> Raging Blow when i am enraged (and if im not enraged i save my Berserker rage to use it when Colossus Smash is applied for more dmg) -> Wild Strike procs if i dont have Raging Blow and if Bloodthirst is on cd -> if i am gettin rage capped i use Heroic Strike together with Wild Strike so i dump my rage -> also using Dragon Roar of cd or if there is some aoe needed soon then i save it -> for aoe i use Whirlwind and Meat Cleaver procs

Arms -> Colossus Smash of cd -> Mortal Strike -> Overpower -> Slam (over 80 rage) -> for aoe i use Thunder Clap (to spread bleeds) and Sweeping Strikes
-> im trying to time Slam with Colosus Smash
-> when i get Colosus Smash proc i dont use it if i recently applied it

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? ALWAYS! YouTube, mostly Fatboss and if there is still smth thats not clear i google it.

Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? I was in Reckless since its been made, we had some nice and bad moments, ppl are quite fun and nice to hang around with, but they started slacking and not giving a F... too much. As i said, ppl are slacking and we are lacking more and more ppl so we cant even think of heroic progress any more and i know that i can do much more than im doing right now, i just need someone to allow me that, so im chosing you in a hope that youll give me a chance to prove myself. You have everything cleared on hc and i think that you are the guild where i could show my 110%.
Previous raiding experience? Came here when cata was up i had FL 1/1hc and DS 8/8hc and now i have MV 5/6 hc TOES 3/4 hc and HoF 1/2 normal

A few words about you : I was an officer in Reckless for quite a while and i was also raid leader, im quite good at noticing things when we are progressing, so if you ever need an opinion about tatcs, i am always willing to share mine. Im always up for having fun and to help others with rdfs/sha and gal/ etc...When it comes to raiding i am always 100% concentrated and im not fooling around.

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Post Posted: 29-08-2015, 21:00:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Deathcoil : Rejected
Badtobaco : Rejected
Pointofview: Rejected

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 30-08-2015, 19:26:17 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Hezjin
Class: Shaman
Main Spec : Enhancement / Resto but low progress still play on main
Link to Armory :
Screen to my UI : i can't made it bcuz i don't know were i can upload my image for free and save if u tell me for the future will be glad to make it
Computer Spec: 3.2 processor amd 5 from new series 10gb ram video card Sapphie radeon R7 260x 2GB OC edition
My Alts : some of them bcuz they are alot 2 acc's and not are upped after mop upgrade i play mostly with my shammy Hezjin & Necrosyz warlock others atm are low ilvl
Rotation:always keep Flame Shock on target then storm strike and Lava Lash using from last talent Elemental blast so everytime when i got maelstorm weapon stacks i throw them on elemental blast or chain lighting and for aoe spamming Fire nova & chain lighting again this is my first burst macro 1.#showtooltip
/cast Ascendance

second 2: #showtooltip
/cast Feral Spirit
/cast Fire Elemental Totem
/cast Berserking(Racial)
+Stormlash totem
and + i cast Unleash elements after that
for critic moments of the healers i help them with my Ancestral Guidence talent + healing tide totem i think that's all bout rotation if i dont miss something
For new scripts i watch videos in youtube also in dungeon journal u can find what exactly do the bosss also in wowhead u can find interesting info too idk that's my resources
Last guild <Wrath of AvenGerS> i dont wanna comment them if its possible i left them bcuz my own reasons that i wanna be forgotten still there is a cool guys there must be sayd.Also for protocol i know all scripts of all bosses of toes & mv normal on hc not on all
And last few words bout me : i work alot so i will be able to play mostly at night server time from 20-21 pm from there i will avaible mostly in few weeks this month that's alll guys i hope u will take me i know u are one of the best raiding guilds in the server and i love to raid ... that's why i wanna join u not bcuz u are so shiny bcuz u do it how must be done it !!! and i wanna done it how must be done too !!! i wanna join u guys ;] let me please ;]

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CH WubWub

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Post Posted: 31-08-2015, 11:49:04 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Wubwub
Class : Druid
Main spec / Off spec : Balance / Guardian / Restoration ( PvP )
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot :
Computer spec : Intel® Core™ i7 Processor
Windows 8.1
16GB Memory
Triple NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 980 graphics with 12GB total (3x 4GB)
Your alts : Nubnub / Wubywuby / Thunderduck / Madcowdiseaz
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : Astral Communion till Eclipse , Burst 1/2/3 ( Depends on boss ) , dots up all the time and going from one eclipse to another , Burst 2/3 ( depends on boss ). Repeat.
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? Yes . TankSpot
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? Heaven . They left to Blizz.
Previous raiding experience? Full from Vanilla.
A few words about you : Eat , Sleep , Achievments , Raid , Eat , Achievments , Achievments , Sleep .

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    Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 31-08-2015, 23:33:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Hezjin : Accepted ( Contact any officer ingame for an invite. )
Wubwub: Rejected

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 18-06-2017 08:12)
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Post Posted: 08-09-2015, 20:08:12 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Dreadlox
Class : Warlock (Full Enchatning/Tailoring)
Main spec / Off spec : Destrucc / no offspecc atm because they have been bugged, besides Destruction is the best viable DPS warlock specc
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot :
[color=red]Computer spec :
GPU: GeForce GTX 780M
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700Q CPU@ 2.40 GHz
Windows 8.1
Your alts : Udderdeath (DK Blood main/Frost) Full Miner/JC / Moochelle (Druid resto main/ feral off) / Magictrix (frost mage) Full Herb/Alch
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance :
Make sure Curse of Elements is up first and foremost (unless there is a rogue). For burst at the beginning pop trinkets, then immolate twice (so the duration is increased), conflag and incinerate spam, using Chaos Bolt whenever procs are up or Skull Banner is up. Always burn a soul ember with Chaos bolt if embers are going to cap, otherwise save Chaos Bolt for the big hits (ie when trinkets or procs pop). Conflag always when its on cooldown so as not to miss out on the haste buff it provides. Dont forget to use the doomguard. I use WeakAuras to alert me to jade spirit procs and skull banner to make the best use of these dps increasers.
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?
I use Fatboss as a first YouTube resource, then search for other videos for the more specific perspective depending on what my role is (tank, heal etc) And to know which talents will be best to use.
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? I am in Wrath of the Avengers and have tried to be patient with the loot situation amongst officers but I have had the last straw. If you would like more details about my frustrations feel free to PM me.
Previous raiding experience? Last retail experience was BC, last private server experience was WotLK. Now on Freakz I've done full TOES/MSV 10/25, and MSV heroic (though i dont think all bosses on heroic yet). Attempts at TOES 10 hc and HoF.
A few words about you :
I have teamspeak and follow instructions always to the best of my ability. I am always open for criticsm and tweaks on how I can do something better. I like playing my alts when they are needed to fill the different needed roles and see the different perspectives.
My job doesnt have steady work hours so my raiding days may not always be the same ones, but I do love to raid and I've heard you guys know your stuff best. I'd like the privelege to play with one of the servers best raiders - Oh, and I love collecting mounts too -

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            Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET}  Sugarushgod 
Post Posted: 08-09-2015, 22:30:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dreadlox Accepted /w any online Officer.

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[Mentally Stable]

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(since 04-09-2019 17:44)
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Post Posted: 22-09-2015, 13:14:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Arghezii

Class : Hunter

Main spec / Off spec : MM/BM

Link to your Armory profile :

Raid UI screenshot :

Computer spec : Procesor Amd Phenom x4 3.2Ghz , Gygabite Radeon R7 250 2gb OC , 2x HyperX Savage Dual-Channel (4 gb)

Your alts : Kottonmouth(Paladin tank) / Legit(another hunter because i like this class so much)

Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : Well for Marksmanship i prefer Fervor instead of Thrill of the hunt since i have the 4p bonus , the burst actually is the only thing stable on MM(Hunter's Mark- Burst - Aimed Chimaera - Stampede - Fervor - A murder of crows - SS- 2x Steady shots for the attack speed bonus - Aimed chimaera) as you continue to use your spells according to your amount of cous. For Beast Mastery since Dire beast doesn't deal extra damage from the casters mastery i prefer to play with Thrill of the Hunt. The burst i use is the following : Pre pot , Glaive toss ,Stampede , Bestial Wrath - Rapid fire - Synapse(eng) , Kill command , SS , spaming Arcane Shot since Thrill of the hunt will proc. Then just control your focus with Cobra and arcane shot. Also use Focus fire when procs , and always use Killcommand after Bestial Wrath so you can use it again under the effect of the increase.

Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? Everytime i check the tactics in advance on for the detailed presentation of the encounter then i watch the fatboss guide to familiarize myself with the script.
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? Rebirth and Betrayers. I left Rebirth when there were no more players for 25hc's and the same story for Betrayers.
Previous raiding experience?Started on WotlK on freakz(Had full progress Icc and Rs 10hc and 25hc), Cataclysm - 4.0.6- Halfus and Valiona then i left for blizz since i was dissapointed of the Ascendent Council script here. I came back on 4.3.4 to make full progress in Dragon Sould 10hc and 25hc , and on M.o.P. full progress without Amber-Shaper Un'sok.

A few words about you: I am a 20 yo guy , student , who likes to spend time in WoW raiding always hoping for new encounters. Harder is better.

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    Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET} 
Post Posted: 22-09-2015, 13:24:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Arghezii : Accepted ( Contact any officer ingame for an invite )
Prajiturele : Accepted ( Contact any officer ingame for an invite )

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The Kantay


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Post Posted: 24-09-2015, 23:30:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Unicornu
Class : Druid
Main spec / Off spec : Balance/i actually prefer making another char instead of any kind of offspec, cuz if i get cd on one char i would be able to join another raid in order to help the guild with the other char, and so on.
Link to your Armory profile :
Raid UI screenshot : using the classic ui , gonna change it soon i think not sure it if i dont like it anymore,using recount dbm and atlasloot as addons.
Computer spec : i7, 4gb ram GPU, 16gb ram, 1tb hdd
Your alts : Froaga Prot Pally,Frogu Disc Priest, Froguzew Resto shamy.
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : Well i start my rotation like this: 75 lunar power pop starfall 1 starsurge to get the haste bonus for the dots,apply dots procced till i get to the middle of the bar,pop second starfall pop burst dots>starsurge>starfire when starfall goes off i pop the 3rd starfall and i pop the shrooms also.I use this rotation because i think i can get the most damage out of it, getting 3 starfalls is awesome really.
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? Yes i do, Fatboss and icyveins guides for the respective bosses.
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? Well im leaving my old guild cuz some people that i have arguments with came in the guild and i prefer not to be a drama queen and ive had enough of theyr attitude.Why you?well on 4.3.4 i was a member of Allstar Randoms/ Hamsterii Blindati under the name of donotspill and at the start of each patch i take break of 2 months or so,now i wanna start raiding hardocore again and i want to join my old friends aswell in order to meet new ppl!
Previous raiding experience? full cata/wotlk
A few words about you : Well my name is dan, i work,i love any kind of music besides manele,i love sport, i go to the gym and i love to laugh and joke.

Love is...

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            Battletag: postrow.ID_BATTLE_NET}  Sugarushgod 
Post Posted: 25-09-2015, 11:27:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

@Unicornu: Accepted. Contact any online officer.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-09-2015, 00:01:43 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Nezabitelnej

- Class :Priest

- Main spec / Off spec :Shadow493/Holy486

- Link to your Armory profile :

- Raid UI screenshot : IMG:

- Your alts : I am just making a warrior to pve.. Comming soon -

Computer spec : I will buy a new computer soon but now i can go 10/25 n raids with no problem -

- Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : My rotation is pretty simply - Just have dots on everything and cast MB on cd then use DP on three orbs and cast mind flay everytime... I am playing mastery priest , i also saw some players which played haste but i think that mastery is better for shaw to pve.. -

- Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use? Yes i know the script of all normal raids here (i have achievs) and also i know on heroic because i played on another panda server so i know something.. - Mostly i am learning script from youtube like fatboss.. -

- Tell us about your last guild.Why you choose us over them? :- My last guild was WOTA->Wrath of the avengers.. I came to this server about one month ago so i thought that wota guild is pretty good but now i don´t think so. I was about one week in the guild and ppl don´t wan´t to go raids and everybody on server say that they are ninjas so i don´t wan´t to stay there.. -

- Previous raiding experience? : I played on czech server where i get some realm first for example for ragnaros 10 hc,bot 10 hc,bwd 10hc and also for tofw 10 hc... But server is going to crash cause they are staying on patch 4.3.4 without DS for 16 months so it´s borring there... So i wanted to try something different from cata and i wan´t guild with good progress.
If you wan´t to look you can for example look at this realm first ragnaros 10 HC kill ,have a fun - Btw i am that warrior named "Deadfire" -

A few words about you : Ok so my name is Peter,i am 18 yo and i study automotive school.I live in Czech republic and i love workout in gym and also WOW,fotbal and any others sports.. -

Why i wan´t to join your guild? : I love fast raids when everybody in raid know what to do. I don´t like raids when are ppl wiping and dying on easy things like staying in shi*s and another -_- But i love progress - I am not the type of player which leave the raid after 10 wipes. I also like your raid time because i often work in our home workshop so i come home mostly about 6 p.m so your raid time is perfect for me. I have team speak of course.

Thank you for reading. -

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 26-09-2015, 13:05:07 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Character name : Cutefatbutt
Class : Priest
Main spec / Off spec :Shadow / Holy
Link to your Armory profile: Armory
Raid UI screenshot :Interface
Computer spec : AMD FX-6300 CPU , AMD RADEON HD 6670 HD GPU, 4GB RAM
Your alts : Kasadya (Warlock) / Aeliarise (Rogue)
Explain your rotation and how you maximize your performance : I pool 2 shadow orbs before pull ,2 seconds before pull i prepot+halo and begin casting mind blast, by that time almost all procs should be up ,then i cast my dots on boss,refreshing them when they have 1-2 seconds remaining or when procs are up. When at 3 shadow orbs i make sure that i have at leasts 7 seconds remainaing on dots so i don't have to refresh them while devouring plague+insanity is up. I use mindblast ,halo and sw:d( under 20%) on cd and mind flay as a filler.
Do you research boss fights in advance ? If so, what source of information do you use?: I use icy-veins and watch fatboss to learn the scripts.
Tell us about your last guild. Why are you choosing us over them? : My last guild was Unstoppable , but the raid schedule was not working well for me since the raids were starting at 10PM+ server time
Previous raiding experience?: Dragon Soul HC full, Mogu'shan Vaults 5/6 HC, Terace of Endless Springs 4/4 HC and Heart of Fear 2/3 HC
A few words about you: I like sports ,video games and panda bears

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