
[Siege of Orgrimmar] Iron Juggernaut
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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2016, 02:11:16 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

hi, i think i nearly read the whole topic, so...

1-Demolisher cannon in 1st phase:
Nexflame wrote:
Churki wrote:
First = Demolisher cannons should be not used in phase 1 and boss is doing this..

You are wrong. Proof

maybe you are wrong, Proof
7.1. Abilities

During the Siege Phase, Iron Juggernaut uses 6 abilities against your raid. He continues to use Crawler Mines just like before, and he has some new abilities.

Seismic Activity Icon Seismic Activity is a constant raid-wide damaging aura that is present during this phase. It deals a moderate amount of Physical damage every second.
Shock Pulse is a spell that Iron Juggernaut often uses. It knocks all raid members back a very great distance.
Demolisher Cannons is a nuke that Iron Juggernaut often uses. It deals moderate Fire damage to random raid members, and to any other players in a 6-yard radius. It is unavoidable.
Cutter Laser is a damaging laser beam that Iron Juggernaut uses to chase a random player for 10 seconds. At the point of impact, the laser deals a high amount of Fire damage every second.
Explosive Tar are damaging and slowing void zones that Iron Juggernaut creates. While these void zones do low damage, they explode if they come in contact with a Cutter Laser, which causes them to deal high raid-wide Fire damage.

"he has some new abilities"...

oh wait, forget those guides...there are better proofs... if you look at the journal as same as we see in in-game dungeon journal, Demolisher cannons are for the second phase....
there are 2 type of cannons, mortar cannons for first phase, demolisher cannons for second phase..
maybe i'm wrong and misunderstood the journal... maybe not
take a look at journal please

2-Crawler mines idea:
Nexflame wrote:
If you have any idea how this could be improved, i'm open for suggestions. -

a red circle around mines will be very helpful. when i enable friendly unit nameplates, i see nothing more than those nameplates... and the clocks above the mines are always in the dust by drills... i think a red circle can be helpful

finally i have to say the boss deals way too much damage compared other bosses...
i checked the melee damage, mele attack speed, found no bugs... but i know it is not required for a raid to have +700K persec healing for a normal SOO boss... still have no proofed bugs, but if i found something i will post it

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[shefu' la luptatori]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2016, 05:04:50 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ismael1370 wrote:

Dude, check any video with juggernaut 10n from retail, you can see the animation from demolisher cannon on the ground.
They *** up with the dungeon journal, and the icy veins guide just took the info from the journal.

About the mines, the only problem is when they are right under the boss, they're a bit hard to spot. Other than that you can see the timer above their heads quite easily.
I don't think a custom fix in necessary. But if you could fix the nameplates that would be cool.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2016, 06:58:11 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Despite what people say,Heroic should be released wing by wing or similar,people are losing interest already,if you want to keep guilds active,they need challenging content.Besides....if you're afraid normal won't be done if heroic is implemented,need not worry,people still need to gear alts...that only gives people MORE stuff to actually do,farming current bosses is getting really boring really fast.

As for Iron Juggernaut,as of right now,he is very much killable...just setup group properly (plate soakers,prot paladin/brewmaster/blood dk tank setup,and preferably healers who can move while casting,or simply have big direct instant heals) and you'll have fun.

P.S Mortar Cannon (phase 1 red circles on the ground) ARE working correctly,the problem isn't with the spell,but the server update period being way too BIG.If you move out instantly,the server updates your position faster than the spell can hit,but be slowed even for 1 second,and you might as well just stay in it.

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Post Posted: 31-08-2016, 13:49:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ismael1370 wrote:

finally i have to say the boss deals way too much damage compared other bosses...
i checked the melee damage, mele attack speed, found no bugs... but i know it is not required for a raid to have +700K persec healing for a normal SOO boss... still have no proofed bugs, but if i found something i will post it

It's all about the gear progression and how it turned out on Freakz compared to retail. Most videos of Iron Juggernaut you see are done by guilds who have done a steady ToT HC progression with many heroic thunderforged bis gear (because they had way more time in that raid tier that we did on Freakz), legendary metagems and even for most of them the legendary cloak if not its epic version which without the legendary effect remains a strong cloak 600 to 616 ilvl while there's i think little to any good cloak in SOO since trashloot have a lousy droprate and the raid itself doesn't give much cloak because of the legendary one.

All of this helps a lot in sustaining damages but most importantly smoothing them regarding the tanks which are the main sources of damage taken by the whole raid for most encounters.

And while i'm talking about smoothness, i think bosses' AI are a bit smarter on retail whereas it's more raw timers on Freakz. Don't know if that's clear or even true, just a feeling i got.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2016, 16:37:57 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ismael1370 wrote:
hi, i think i nearly read the whole topic, so...

1-Demolisher cannon in 1st phase:
Nexflame wrote:
Churki wrote:
First = Demolisher cannons should be not used in phase 1 and boss is doing this..

You are wrong. Proof

maybe you are wrong, Proof
7.1. Abilities

During the Siege Phase, Iron Juggernaut uses 6 abilities against your raid. He continues to use Crawler Mines just like before, and he has some new abilities.

Seismic Activity Icon Seismic Activity is a constant raid-wide damaging aura that is present during this phase. It deals a moderate amount of Physical damage every second.
Shock Pulse is a spell that Iron Juggernaut often uses. It knocks all raid members back a very great distance.
Demolisher Cannons is a nuke that Iron Juggernaut often uses. It deals moderate Fire damage to random raid members, and to any other players in a 6-yard radius. It is unavoidable.
Cutter Laser is a damaging laser beam that Iron Juggernaut uses to chase a random player for 10 seconds. At the point of impact, the laser deals a high amount of Fire damage every second.
Explosive Tar are damaging and slowing void zones that Iron Juggernaut creates. While these void zones do low damage, they explode if they come in contact with a Cutter Laser, which causes them to deal high raid-wide Fire damage.

"he has some new abilities"...

oh wait, forget those guides...there are better proofs... if you look at the journal as same as we see in in-game dungeon journal, Demolisher cannons are for the second phase....
there are 2 type of cannons, mortar cannons for first phase, demolisher cannons for second phase..
maybe i'm wrong and misunderstood the journal... maybe not
take a look at journal please

Confirmed. This is ABSOLUTELY TRUE. there are 2 kinds of cannons boss use during encounter, first Mortar Cannon which is ONLY FOR PHASE 1, the other one is Demolisher Cannon which is ONLY FOR PHASE 2, and they shouldn't be used on each others' phases but at the moment boss uses Demolisher Cannon constantly from beginning of the phase 1 to end of encounter which is SO WRONG and makes boss SO HARDER than it must be. the one you see in movies in retail is Mortar Cannon's "Red Circle" used in phase 1 not Demolisher Cannon, that is the main reason that this boss is so hard and you can barely beat it. I did this boss both on 10NM and 25NM but this shouldn't work like this, not at all. Please take this post serious if you do this on heroic this boss will be UNBEATABLE for sure. please fix it as soon as possible, thanks in advance.

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Post Posted: 31-08-2016, 16:54:35 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

yasergamer wrote:

Confirmed. This is ABSOLUTELY TRUE. there are 2 kinds of cannons boss use during encounter, first Mortar Cannon which is ONLY FOR PHASE 1, the other one is Demolisher Cannon which is ONLY FOR PHASE 2, and they shouldn't be used on each others' phases but at the moment boss uses Demolisher Cannon constantly from beginning of the phase 1 to end of encounter which is SO WRONG and makes boss SO HARDER than it must be. the one you see in movies in retail is Mortar Cannon's "Red Circle" used in phase 1 not Demolisher Cannon, that is the main reason that this boss is so hard and you can barely beat it. I did this boss both on 10NM and 25NM but this shouldn't work like this, not at all. Please take this post serious if you do this on heroic this boss will be UNBEATABLE for sure. please fix it as soon as possible, thanks in advance.

YOU are so WRONG . Check next guide Iron Juggernaut Gid Guide .
You will see there , at the start of the guide
Abilities in both phases: 1)Crawler Mines 2)Demolisher Cannons

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[shefu' la luptatori]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2016, 16:55:39 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

yasergamer wrote:

Ok, look.
How the spell looks like, gifs taken from wowhead guide:

Now, check this video from retail:

I'll make it easier for you:

It's obvious it's 1st phase from the pictures, but check the video.

So stop it with this nonsense, other than the mine's being friendly the boss is working really well.
1st boss being a bit hard and everyone starts qq-ing...

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2016, 16:57:22 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

I will quote Shocker on this : STOP INVENTING BUGS.

The boss works really well,stop inventing shit,you're only going to waste their time with your garbage posts.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2016, 17:02:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

*** that gif , and gif guide.... show me where it shows that mortar cannon and demolisher cannons should be used in first phase together... that person who made that guide couldn't link mortar cannon link, look at that guide :/, if he couldn't find mortar cannon so he couldn't understand what it is...

you say icy-veins guide is wrong, and an anonymous guide in wowhead called gifshit is more correct than "Dungeon Journal" ?!?!?!

what is Dungeon Journal:
if you press J button in your wow client, the Dungeon journal will open, it is written by blizz people, not some idiot! even if all people be idiot, the blizz people are less idiot in Wow thing compared the others..
and there, demolisher cannons are listed in second phase.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2016, 17:04:23 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Dude,can you please stop being stupid already?It's been proven Dungeon Journal is never properly updated after PTR,because they never bothered to.

Second point,the boss is working FINE,stop it already.

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[Mentally Stable]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2016, 17:09:24 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

Netherx wrote:
Dude,can you please stop being stupid already?It's been proven Dungeon Journal is never properly updated after PTR,because they never bothered to.

Second point,the boss is working FINE,stop it already.

when you stuck at HC, with 580 il you will be sorry about what you said today

also the icy-veins is more acceptable against some gift bullshit in wowhead

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Post Posted: 31-08-2016, 17:14:47 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ismael1370 wrote:

finally i have to say the boss deals way too much damage compared other bosses...
i checked the melee damage, mele attack speed, found no bugs... but i know it is not required for a raid to have +700K persec healing for a normal SOO boss... still have no proofed bugs, but if i found something i will post it

The Boss does not do too much damage, we did not need even close to 700k hps. If you cant kill him with 700k hps then you need to have a serious talk with your raid about not standing in front of the boss and not running face first into every damaging ability, or not idle in every damaging ability.

We wiped on him several times until i took the strat we used in my Guild on retail for 25hc and he was dead in the first try, this boss is ALL about communication/cooldown management and movement after all this is working THEN your dps starts to be important.

Last edited by Bhuddzecks on 31-08-2016, 17:24:52; edited 1 time in total
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[shefu' la luptatori]

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Post Posted: 31-08-2016, 17:24:18 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ismael1370 wrote:
Netherx wrote:
Dude,can you please stop being stupid already?It's been proven Dungeon Journal is never properly updated after PTR,because they never bothered to.

Second point,the boss is working FINE,stop it already.

when you stuck at HC, with 580 il you will be sorry about what you said today

also the icy-veins is more acceptable against some gift bullshit in wowhead

I didn't say that icy-veins is wrong, they just copied the chapter with spell used from dungeon journal, and they didn't mention about demolisher cannons being used in 1st phase because they probably didn't even *** notice it, it's like 180k damage on 3 targets once in a while, it's shit damage. Besides, there's no other source of damage on the raid, the borer drills barely do damage at all and they are easily avoidable, the mortar cannon is doing only @250k and it's avoidable as well (not on freakz for some reason, but i'm only trying to explain why demolisher cannons are there). If there were no demolisher cannons the healers would only have to heal the tanks, what fight is like that, with no aoe damage on the raid?

If it's such a big deal to you, then no wonder you'll be stuck with 580 ilvl at this boss on heroic... We won't be tho.

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Post Posted: 31-08-2016, 17:30:44 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

ismael1370 wrote:
*** that gif , and gif guide.... show me where it shows that mortar cannon and demolisher cannons should be used in first phase together... that person who made that guide couldn't link mortar cannon link, look at that guide :/, if he couldn't find mortar cannon so he couldn't understand what it is...

you say icy-veins guide is wrong, and an anonymous guide in wowhead called gifshit is more correct than "Dungeon Journal" ?!?!?!

what is Dungeon Journal:
if you press J button in your wow client, the Dungeon journal will open, it is written by blizz people, not some idiot! even if all people be idiot, the blizz people are less idiot in Wow thing compared the others..
and there, demolisher cannons are listed in second phase.

Dude , if u are a brainless and cant figure out from next images , that means you are a
Watch next images , you will see boss using Demolisher Cannons @FIRST PHOTO.
After you see that WATCH @SECOND PHOTO , you will see there the Demolisher Cannons hits the ground , and there is PHASE 1 Because , if you tried this boss EVEN ONCE you will see there @SECOND PHOTO are Borel Drills on the ground and boss is using Flame Veint.


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Post Posted: 31-08-2016, 17:55:40 | Translate post to: ... (Click for more languages)

How about you all stop calling eachother names and calm down? Can't you have an civil argument?

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